We spent three weeks very busy Ojagué.
Yves has put much effort in preparing the clinic. He will need more time than he thought. It must create what does not exist yet.
With the help of children, he had all the equipment out of a container into the inventory and classify.
There were so many in one room of the house and in parts of the clinic.
In addition, several boxes, there was a bit of everything ... well mixed.
The container tidy ...

The goal for the official opening with the dignitaries is planned for early November. Yves
will redouble efforts in the coming days to complete the task.

Still, Yves has made some medical experiments. He tied and cut his umbilical cord first and check the status of the placenta. What good preparation for the April-May.
Also, it ripped two teeth, one of which was the third Visible ... re ste having suffered the fate of cavities. He had the help of Dj hello and remembered the advice of Michel Berger, dentist (some publicity ) and Naomi Gilbert.

There are at iff the small Mamadou, who had been "treated" at home but Yves has really had compassion on seeing the village walk with pain. He raised the skin of the wound and pulled out 3 small pieces of wood.

" I am the way, truth and life.
no man cometh unto the Father but through Me. " John 14:6
no man cometh unto the Father but through Me. " John 14:6
What words clear for n e: a single path, a Truth and eternal life is only in Jesus Christ.
Cheryl gets better. She has more good days than bad. It must make some naps during the day and eat a little, but régulièremen t, to decrease nausea. It's always a great subject of prayer.
It was coming through the bush on a motorcycle with Yves. She returned all exitée.

The baby and mom are doing well!
We look forward to offering them the comfort of a delivery room on a bed in a new clinic!
Cheryl is reassured to know that the conditions of confinement are different in Quebec.
Queries prayers
- Nausea Cheryl
- The developing baby
- Keep the focus on the task at hand
- The development of the Clinical
- Our impact on Guinéins to win to Jesus Christ
- Adaptation continuing
- perseverance through difficulties, hard times.
We had a Thanksgiving meal with missionaries Canadians. It was a pleasure to share our blessings together.
We have so many things for which we thank the Lord. Glory to God!

Thank you all for your support.
We love reading your comments !
PS We have new photos (left menu).

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