Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Media Confidentiality Clause Sample

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008!

We take this time of celebration to thank you for your support in prayer, your thoughts, emails and letters of encouragement. It makes a big difference in our daily lives.

We only have two months before we get back with you. It is with joy that we then share how God put his hand on us throughout our adventures.

" this day in the city of David, you is born a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. " Luke 2:11

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all ...
Family, friends (es), brothers and sisters in the Lord, brothers and sisters work.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Does Pus Look Like For Strep

a little fun!

The Knight of the Lake and its beautiful princess!

A strange picture we took at the end of the conference, a fair for children. The painting was done by a daughter of missionaries.

Yves Chevalier and Princess Cheryl

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Watch Cheaters Online

News December News November

While the Irish were building the bridge Ojagué with the help of some Guineans, we seized the opportunity to go with Chantal Koundara. It is with these people it will work on his return from Canada in January. It was the best opportunity for us to visit since Cheryl's pregnancy was not too advanced and that we could help for some major work to safety.

Introducing the new bridge!

Road !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

It is so bad that even when we go hunting in northern Quebec may be considered as a luxury that road here in Guinea. Try to imagine the road, if you can, because you probably never seen 265 km which takes over 11 hours to go. There are "holes" everywhere. In the car we literally shake and the back skin burns you.

back just in time to Ojagué for the official opening of the clinic, we were impressed with the magnitude of the festivities. Important leaders of the country were present.

The villagers were dressed in their finest clothes. After the speeches we gave way to the party. During two days
people feasted with music and dancing.

The coming days will be very busy at the clinic since the county Boke know that the clinic is open. It is a blessing for the Guinean people have such a clinic with many devices, medicines, bandages ... The government is so poor that it is our small clinic that helps the hospital to have the basic equipment such as gloves, urinary catheters and others.

Cheryl's health is fine. Her belly is becoming more round and see them while, for one of the first, a white enclosure.

the health point of view, is Yves who took a blow. While at Koundara, he was suffering from high fever and severe pain in the back. A few days later, fever persisted until vomiting. We therefore inferred that Yves had malaria (Pallu). The medication works to treat pallu well. It is almost restored. Appetite lacks a bit but he said live on reserves! !

This week we are at the missionary center for a conference. We live with Olver, a Canadian family with two beautiful children.

This conference brings together all NTM missionaries in Guinea. We will be pleased to learn what God is doing in each group and among different peoples.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit ... and here I am with you always, until the end of the world. " Matthew 28 :19-20

who loves you and your rightful March 2, 2008!

have new photos (left menu).

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gylcerin Saop And Acne

It is with pleasure that we can finally share our latest news.

For the first time in her life, Cheryl have set foot into the sea while he was on an island in the Atlantic. She has greatly enjoyed his time with all the women missionaries in Guinea at this conference. For his part, Yves could not rest because he lived in one of the most luxurious houses in the country, the Representative of the World Bank in Guinea. He is from the same country as Ron (Trinidad and Tobago) and they are only 2 in the country.

House representative from the World Bank in Guinea.

Following this break, we spent a intense week to prepare for the clinic's opening. We had every room tidy as usual, fill in the various cabinets according to their future use and also very clean. Ouff! But God's grace abounds and we could smile of satisfaction and gratitude. After 2 ½ months in the country, the clinic is open to serve people in need.

And how great was this need! From the first day, Monday, November 12, more than 23 patients come for treatment. But Africa is never without a hitch, we had previously learned quickly. This was our unexpected worst nightmare. Djallo was not there. He was to arrive the day before to be present for the opening. We had to stop a team, pray and find a plan B. Since Heather Yearwood, Mary and Hawa provide medical services for years (although they are not formally trained), they treated all patients who showed signs of tropical diseases (malaria, diarrhea and worms, especially in children. ... Yves treated patients who needed tires and had toothache ...

Only Djallo night that is happened. The Friday night before crossing the main street of Boke, he had been hit by a motorcycle. It (as do all bikes to save gas) had closed its engine leaving the vehicle down a hill without light or noise. Fortunately, Djallo was a few feet from the hospital. He spent several hours in a coma. His friend the policeman was surprised to see him alive the following Monday because he was certain of his death. They are not complainers these Africans! With blood in the ear and ribs in pain, he began to work still with us on Tuesday. Pray for Djallo, it is a again Christian and his uncle is the Chief Imam of Guinea.

November 5, Enters the family was back among us. This was the first family to live and work among the people Tanda. Roger has seen death up close last January and the family had been evacuated in 24 hours. Their return is a miracle! Their joy and love for Tandas are contagious!

Since mid-November, a team of Irishmen came to spend two weeks with us to build a second bridge. It is smaller than the first but all useful. Pray for these men who are in the heat all day. Several have already been dehydrated. May our great God and the support that the fruit of their work is a blessing and proof of the love of Christ to the people.

can not leave you without news of our baby. Cheryl's belly swells visibly. Around week 17 of pregnancy, we both felt moving. Since then, Cheryl often receives short bursts. She eats more and iron tablets (she was of anemia) were significantly decreased fatigue. Monday, November 26, it will begin the 19th week of pregnancy! What a miracle! Thank you Lord!

Prayer items:

  • Monday, November 26 we prepare for a great trip! We visit the home of Chantal Koundara (12 hour drive for 300 km Cahottes do).
  • We will continue working at the clinic (many details to finish).
  • December 10, we return to Boke for a week's conference for all NTM missionaries in Guinea.
  • Our attitude! It is difficult to be constantly confronted with the cultural differences in our work to the foil. Both in terms of care, cleanliness, operation ... We want to keep our eyes on the work that God wants us to move on.
  • Baby's health, Mom and Dad ... because we are always surrounded by sick people.

"The goodness of the Lord are not exhausted, His mercies
are not out;

They are new every morning. Oh! that your loyalty is great! "
Lamentations 3: 22-23

you soon.

PS We have new photos (left menu) .

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My 3 Week Old Sounds Flemmy

Africa, dura ... A September

We experienced a range
of emotions lately.
joys, sorrows, triumphs, failures, questions, etc..

But is valuable food together. We know that God is with us and that the prayers of brothers and sisters we support. Where to start, so much to say!

the medical side (and emotional):

Yves made a relocation of a feeding tube into the stomach disinfected using a screwdriver.

Yves withdrew a broken branch, deeply embedded in the leg of a grandmother who did not bronchée (me, I would have fainted).

A life was certainly saved, that of a boy who had cerebral pallu (malaria). Yves had to leave his talents to find a vein and the needle.

A mother has brought his two weeks. She stopped eating for several days. It was cold and blue-green. Her little heart was too low (30 to 50 beats / min.) And lacked oxygen. She certainly had brain damage. His twin died at birth. All day we gave her care, but Yves knew it was a matter of time. Cheryl will be a very caring mother with the care she has given. We were already so attached to her. At dinner, she left us. Africa is so hard for little lives. First time, our hearts were wounded.

The clinic officially delivered his first baby. Just like us! We were not using Djallo. To complicate things a bit, it was a seat. Yves had "burst the waters" and all the amniotic fluid was green and brown watered. He did an episiotomy and the baby was out, but very difficult. We have revived the little and have fallen in love. Complications occurred a few hours later and we rushed mom (15 years) and baby. The mother died early and was given to a nurse. We expressed our great desire to adopt, but we did not have priority. For us it was like the flight. A second time, we broken heart broken ... but really! We had asked for a clear direction from God, but we did not imagine his refusal. He knew what He was exactemment. It has protected our hearts, because a week later the girl is dead.

"For I know the plans I have for you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29: 11

To lift our spirits, we used ultrasound handset to see if there was life on that side. We found our beautiful girl (Yves always hope ... it is not known yet but a boy sex is enjoyable!) Who squirmed all full with a small hiccup. It feels good to hearts of parents can be reassured. Thank you Lord for the same technology here in the depths of the bush.

Cheryl's getting better and better. His little belly begins to interfere when she squats down and need support when lying on the side. But that they are Good news!

The clinic is a victim of its success. Every day dozens of people come for treatment. Djallo is supposed to heal and prepare Yves clinic. But the latter is often involved in care and can not advance installation of the clinic, particularly when there are patients in every room. Yves definitely lives frustration. With the committee of the clinic, they decided to close for 2 weeks. The first week, women will go to a conference on island in the Atlantic and men go to Conakry to buy medicines, cement, etc.. The second week, all will start the task to "finish" the installation.

Ramadan (fasting done by musulmams) call by Lent, ended Oct. 15. was a very difficult month because all day the believers could not drink or eat while there was light (6 am to 19 pm), even if they worked in the field by a heat of 33 degrees. The last day was Day in the village and the women danced.

Three new boys are added to the group of 8. Moreover, the biblical teaching has begun and our house we can hear them singing every night. Those who come to Jesus Christ will be the leaders of tomorrow and will have a significant impact on their peers.

We plan to return to Canada allentours March 2. So two months before delivery as recommended by our gynecologist.

But by then, persevere in prayer:

  • Stay focused on what God asks us
  • Pregnancy
  • Cheryl What can withstand the heat
  • Our health is so fragile in Africa
  • The decision by some villagers to confess Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • The biblical teaching of the 11 children
  • Clinic

You rewritten soon.

PS We have new photos (left menu).

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cartier Trinity Ring Price

well filled

We spent three weeks very busy Ojagué.

Yves has put much effort in preparing the clinic. He will need more time than he thought. It must create what does not exist yet.

With the help of children, he had all the equipment out of a container into the inventory and classify.

There were so many in one room of the house and in parts of the clinic.
In addition, several boxes, there was a bit of everything ... well mixed.

The container tidy ...

The goal for the official opening with the dignitaries is planned for early November. Yves
will redouble efforts in the coming days to complete the task.

Still, Yves has made some medical experiments. He tied and cut his umbilical cord first and check the status of the placenta. What good preparation for the April-May.

Also, it
ripped two teeth, one of which was the third Visible ... re ste having suffered the fate of cavities. He had the help of Dj hello and remembered the advice of Michel Berger, dentist (some publicity ) and Naomi Gilbert.

There are at iff the small Mamadou, who had been "treated" at home but Yves has really had compassion on seeing the village walk with pain. He raised the skin of the wound and pulled out 3 small pieces of wood.

It is wonderful veilleux can make a difference in the lives of these people so poor. But it is very little compared to what Jesus did in ours. We were lost and lost face eternity but Jesus said

" I am the way, truth and life.
no man cometh unto the Father but through Me.
John 14:6

What words clear for n
e: a single path, a Truth and eternal life is only in Jesus Christ.

Cheryl gets better. She has more good days than bad. It must make some naps during the day and eat a little, but régulièremen
t, to decrease nausea. It's always a great subject of prayer.

It was coming through the bush on a motorcycle with Yves. She returned all exitée.

What she liked most of her 3 weeks is the opportunity to have attended his first delivery. Home deliveries down on the floor of their room.

The baby and mom are doing well!
We look forward to offering them the comfort of a delivery room on a bed in a new clinic!

Cheryl is reassured to know that the conditions of confinement are different in Quebec.

Queries prayers

  • Nausea Cheryl
  • The developing baby
  • Keep the focus on the task at hand
  • The development of the Clinical
  • Our impact on Guinéins to win to Jesus Christ
  • Adaptation continuing
  • perseverance through difficulties, hard times.

We had a Thanksgiving meal with missionaries Canadians. It was a pleasure to share our blessings together.
We have so many things for which we thank the Lord. Glory to God!

Thank you all for your support.

We love reading your comments !

We have new photos (left menu).

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Average Price For Cat Declaw And Neuter

A special week just ended

The clinic is not yet over, but Yves (Dr Ibro) treated his first patient this week.
He had to use a bike, cross 3 rivers, well lie through the bush to go to another village Tanda. The patient only spoke a few words "French".

Yves was also encountered people in high places of the country. Contact with these people is very important to get things done when "smaller" we put a spoke in the wheels.

For her part, Cheryl was ill for 6 days. She could not keep anything and she has lost weight. Yves, with the help of Yearwood and
7h Cahottes road, brought the young mother to see a gynecologist French. His medication against malaria (Palu) caused him
constantly vomiting. She changed his medication and added an anti-nausea and Cheryl are back all the familiar ... blah-blah-blah !!!!!

We had a echo and everything is normal. The baby is securely attached to the uterus as are small African on the back of their mother.
Which nationality will be small (it is too early to know the sex, but Yves is always talking about "his girls")??
We requested a clear answer from God and it seems obvious to us both.
"It" can only present his Canadian passport ...
unless otherwise noted.

In the coming weeks we will apply ourselves to the task of this famous clinic, language learning and teaching of children. Meanwhile, there will certainly be a few adventures on our journey, but praise God, we can still see his hand through this act.

Pray for:
  • Rest for Cheryl and good nutrition
  • The successful development of "small scale"
  • Good relations with the people Tanda
  • The language learning
  • Work of Yves prepare for the clinic

Thanks for your support, prayers, words of encouragement.

Hello to our family, friends, church, teachers and the TES, employees of the hospital in Hull (especially 4 North), to those that are forgotten or unknown not.

"Me (Yves, Cheryl and ...) I trust in your goodness, I have joy in my heart, because your salvation.
I will sing unto the Lord, because it makes my good. "
- Psaume13.6

you soon!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Waxing Your Female Area

We arrived!

We rejoice with you because God has taken care of us .
Our trip went well. The bags we have followed seedless.
Glory to God!

We were welcomed by Chantal at the airport.
We spent one day in Conakry.

After 4 hours of driving, we arrived at Center Missionary in Hamdallaye. We had time to rest and travel in December Alag schedule.

Cheryl at Mission Center at Hamdalla aye

Yves preparing the car with the luggage on the roof.

Plan a grocery store for one month is not an easy task!
Fortunately, there is a mini "general store" in Hamdallaye. We can find a little of everything but no fruit and vegetables. That is missed.

Ojagué Our journey was very exciting. All missionaries were trying to prepare ourselves to this road muddy and filled with water.

Departure for Ojagué

Focus on motorcycle!

When we arrived in Ojagué, people welcomed us dan s the pl uie abundant. The children ran toward the car. It was beautiful to see!

Our home was well prepared for us. The Yearwood and the s 8 boys they took him under their wings, had cleaned up the house which had served as a warehouse for medical equipment.

Here is our house!

It was not long before the problems of water and co uring occur. This énnivitable is in Africa! We found mosquito larvae in our water.

Yves who cleans the water containers.

God thank you for the help received to clean water containers and the experience of Chantal, who has long lived without running water. We can now better appreciate the moments o ù we have water and electricity. God is already working on our gratitude and contentment.

The clinic is not yet functional. Yves is happy to work with Ron Yearwood. They must finalize some details Clinic ( shelves, handles, electric power, etc..) Before taking a job as a nurse (p DOCTOR o Guineans).
He took the opportunity to learn a little language to communicate better with his first

The primary ministry of Cheryl will be with 8 boys. Some parents gave their sons to Yearwood so they can be educated (as discipline that the spiritual side). They have carte blanche! This is quite a privilege.
Believers are all excited. "It is the church of tomorrow, our future leaders of the church," they say. They encourage
Yearwood has had 12 as the disciples of Jesus
. Cheryl will therefore accompany Heather for their education. This is certainly a challenge because ns have never been to school.

Here is a picture of cute boys in order of age.
From oldest to youngest (14-9 year s)

Our gift arrived for them was a soccer ball.
They were so excited!

What we find most special:

  • Meet believers
  • The opportunity given to boys with Yearwood
  • The warm welcome of the village
  • palms and banana trees
  • The monkey crossed the road
  • The joy and love of children
  • The 5 Languages spoken at the church (we were around 30)

What we find most difficult:

  • Moisture
  • Washing which does not dry and smelly
  • The Bébitte (for Cheryl )
  • The constant visits of ordinary people (it's hard to do anything when we always receive the visit. For Guineans, it is important to prioritize the relationship first.)
Pray for:

  • What we find difficult! We want to adapt their cultural re.
  • Preparation Clinic
  • Our communication with the people (language learning)
  • our rest and patience

* * * * * * * * A NICE SURPRISE * * * *

We are excited but sad to not be able to announce in person ...

What a beautiful gift from God!

We look forward to May 4, 2008.

Thanks for your friendship, your encouragement and your support!