Friday, May 2, 2008

Wedding Teacher Theme

"Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

Dr. Campbell established a clinic in Cambridge that specializes in nutrition for children with autism, ADHD or ASD. She is herself the mother of an autistic child who has recovered thanks to the biological approach. She is a doctor, nutritionist and neurobiologist.

The book consists of three parts:

  1. What he
  2. Treatment: diet and Various food supplements
  3. problems

1. What he

In her pathologies such as autism, asthma / eczema, ADHD / dyspraxia / dyslexia, autism and allergies overlap and all have a common component: the source of problems lies in the intestines. It explains how our digestive system. The intestines are inhabited by colonies of microbes. A healthy adult at about 1.5 to 2 kg of bacteria in the gut. Among these Bacteria found "good" bacteria: Bifidobacterium, lactic acid bacteria, Propionibacterium, some species of E. coli and enterococci peptostreptococci. There are also "bad" bacteria as peptococci, staphylococci, group A streptococcal, bacilli, clostridia, yeasts, etc.. In fact we do not know all the species of bacteria living in our gut. A healthy intestine contains both good and bad species, living in balance. However some factors can upset this balance, particularly the use of antibiotics. The child is born without any bacteria and acquires its first at birth, and then through breast milk. Several factors make young babies today are more likely to have an imbalanced gut flora from birth: the use of the pill by mother destroyed his intestinal flora, the mother due to the use of antibiotics has already flora may be unbalanced if it is allergic or asthmatic means that its flora is already unbalanced. In addition to feeding through artificial milk instead of breast milk makes it worse.

From balance of intestinal flora also depends on a healthy immune system. A child from the start to a flora imbalance will more easily fall ill. Often children with autism from the withdrawal of breast milk to catch ear infections rehearsals were treated with antibiotics, which only aggravate their already imbalanced flora. Their immune systems are already operating abnormally, they are more likely than others to have abnormal reactions to vaccines.

2. Treatment

a) Plan

It does not advocate MSLP regime but the regime as anti-Candida diet, also known as SCD (specific carbohydrate diet, diet that restricts intake carbohydrates, particularly complex carbohydrates).

The SCD diet is to remove:

- All cereals, including rice or quinoa or millet (which are used in the plan MSLP)

- All plants contain too much starch as potatoes

- All sugars or foods containing sugar

- beans such as soy flour

- Lactose and anything that contains lactose

- Do not use Food prepared Trade (including MSLP).

This is not the casein which is described here but lactose. She explains that eg can be used quickly once the plan is in place of butter, which contains no lactose (and very little casein for that matter) because it is better to use to cook their food on animal fats that do not detract too much cooking, as vegetable fats. She advises even after several months of plan to reintroduce the yogurt and some cheeses (raw unpasteurized). She recommends using freshly squeezed juices house (to avoid the process of pasteurization that destroys many vitamins).

Among the most recommended foods: meat and fish, eggs, fresh vegetables (no starch), all fruits, some beans and lentils, honey. It gives a lot of revenue. For eg it prepares its flour made from ground almonds.

Personally I have not tried to do this diet with my son and I confess that I will not even try, but I understand the logic in the fight against candida. I think the regime MSLP and removing some other foods which the child may react + deletion of Food Additives and thus effectively commercially prepared dishes and the transition to organic food almost exclusively, over the use of food enzymes, including no-fenol aa priori that nearly the same function as the SCD diet because it helps fight against yeast and digest complex carbohydrates. Xylanase which consists No-fenol assists in the breakdown of cell wall complex carbohydrates.

But for someone who has not even started the plan MSLP, why not try the SCD diet, this should not be harder.

b) Probiotics

They are an indispensable part of its protocols and must be administered daily at a rate for an adult of 20 billion bacteria, and very gradually to avoid starting the reaction (the die-off).

c) fatty acids

She explained the problem to the hydrogenation of vegetable fats that is done by adding a molecule of hydrogen to fats in the presence of nickel, aluminum and other heavy metals. And the need to give Omega 3 and Omega 6.

For Her it is quite unnecessary to supplement vitamin "pills" which are not as well absorbed by the body than vitamins supplied by the diet. It also does not recommend chelation because of associated risks, and especially the fact that chelation does not solve the main problem is that the body detoxifies these children do well enough for itself by leading to an accumulation of the same toxic elements in the body. It makes more sense in her to restore the proper functioning of the body so it does the work of detoxification. She recalls that

is important to reduce the toxic load in general by paying attention to cleaning or care that is used with emphasis on organic products do not contain the most problematic. These are the SLS (sodium lauryl), fluorine (even bad for teeth actually), titanium dioxide, lanolin, often contaminated with DDT, sucrose (carcinogen), the formaldelahyde, aluminum or other metals found in some cosmetics (deodorants and makeup in particular). To take a bath she recommends baking soda.

And the final chapter ends with a few words about education, not to overlook!


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