Friday, January 7, 2011

How Long After Lice Exposure


The teen organizes Facebook Eve ... and is beaten

This teenager had managed to convince his parents to let him organize a Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve in the family villa at Albi in the Tarn. Once parental permission granted, the teen started his invitations via Facebook, noting that the entry price of the evening was set at 5 €. Within days, a sixty people register on the group according Europe 1. But on Christmas Eve, it escalates very quickly in the house. The "buddies of buddies" are getting in the evening. And the alcohol, the party quickly becomes unmanageable.

" The father was not there. (...) He trusted his son, and when he returned, he found his house completely ransacked " explains Europe 1 Jean-Pierre Benoit, the commander of the police in Albi.

A police officer says, still on Europe 1 :

"To alcohol, shampoos, liquids spilled on computers, cabinets overturned on the floor, tables fallen, broken computers , mirrors broken, all clothes scattered on the floor flooded with shampoo, alcohol and everything you can imagine. It's really a nightmare. "

Besides, according to a Europe, the teenager who tried to oppose the rampage the house was severely beaten by four "guests." Two minors of 16 and 17 were referred to the juvenile court for "damages and group assault." And three other young adults, aged between 18 and 20 years, will be tried by the Criminal Court of Albi, also for "damages and group assault."

"This invitation through Facebook shows once again that everything can quickly slip away. It is a computer mishap" said Pascal Suhard, Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Albi.


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