PETS - After Arkansas, Louisiana is picking up the birds fell from the sky ...
While U.S. authorities have concluded on Monday in a big scare that caused death of more than 5,000 birds in the city of Beebe, Arkansas, during the night of Saint-Sylvestre, new bodies were discovered Tuesday in Louisiana . This is the same species of red-winged blackbirds, but this time no fireworks could scare the birds and cause them to fly in panic and bumping against walls and trees. The phenomenon worries Americans, some even speak about the end of the world, but would, according to ornithologists , a coincidence.
An emergency landing with deadly
Philippe Dubois, ornithologist member of the LPO (League for the Protection of Birds), the two phenomena are not necessarily linked and can not, at present, indicate a different track explanation than that advanced by the Veterinary Services of Arkansas: "The only reasonable scientific explanation remains that of a panic at night, says he to For birds found in Arkansas, we have identify any poison or neurological injury. "
Upset at night by loud noises, birds, who spend the night in dormitories band sheltered from cold and predators, would then have adopted a strategy consisting of flight to hit the ground. But city and as a result of panic, landing is more complicated: "They landed in an emergency and crashed on the tarmac," said Philippe Dubois.
No "early end of the world
According to the ornithologist, the same thing could happen in Louisiana:" There may have been noise or people had fun exploding firecrackers to see what was happening ...». But no "early end of the world" in sight for Philippe Dubois: "This is a unique phenomenon because of the large number of dead birds and because this behavior is very rare. But it also exists in starlings and diurnal birds when flying at night or in bad weather. "
As for fish found dead a few miles, no link can be established by scientists yet.
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