Thursday, February 10, 2011

Denis Milani Hardcore

a "poke" a little brutal ...

Paris: he stabbed a youth in the metro and brag on the internet

A 24 year old man was arrested Monday for violently assaulted a young traveler in the Paris subway in December. Obviously proud of his act, he did not hesitate to brag on a social network.

December 17, a young man of 17 years is discussed in an underground train line 10 by another passenger. Without explanation, the latter strikes him a whim and a stab "at heart", before passengers intervene to prevent it from again, according to police headquarters. The victim transported to hospital, is made in the wake is prescribed and a temporary inability to work 30 days.

A photo from video images of the

The attacker still managed to escape at the station bleach, but the police managed to retrieve a photograph of the suspect from CCTV images of the subway.

few weeks later, on February 4, an officer of the 3rd District recognizes the suspect randomly in the street. And then, investigators discovered that the man boasted of his act on a social network it belongs on the internet.

is arrested on Monday and formally recognized by the victim and witnesses. During his detention, he told police she "knowingly focused blows "and have acted under the influence of alcohol. He was referred to the Paris prosecutor's office.


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