Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Do People With Hiv
Press pixel (continued)
The Winter Knitty is out. Some funny stuff, interesting techniques, but no thunderbolt to me. I must look over the break because I had trouble flipping, given the saturation of connections, despite the change of server (or perhaps because of). A disappointment: he will have to wait to see what the new site announced. I am anxious to know.
Otherwise, the second number Popknits appeared a few days ago, back in the line of the first.
And météotricotiques forecasts are excellent. Since I know Needled (one of my favorite blogs of the moment) is, I look forward to the first issue of The Knitting Forecast, to be published shortly.
To finish the review journals dematerialized me who boasts of having the most complete list of e-journals, I must admit that there are at least two that escaped me until today.
Teen Knitter (knitting webzine made by teens for teens) is in its 3rd issue and now that I calculated!
And then there The Insider Hook, who is his number 7, but good hook, it's not my department, my normal radar has messed up. There are others, webzines hook?
Precisely speaking of hook, the site (and ex-zine) Hook Me just been acquired by Interweave Crochet. In my opinion, they will do it for the Knitting Daily for the hook. And Kim Werker, founder of Hook Me and editor of Interweave Crochet, resigned from that post. It is interesting to compare its trajectory at the head of IWC with that of Eunny Jang for Interweave Knits head. While Kim is quite limited technically, it seems (I know nothing, but I have heard often), she of Interweave Crochet magazine very successful (see the fall issue and the winter which looks promising). Eunny Jang, who is technically amazing, a very talented designer and an excellent teacher, failed however to save IWK a certain softening (and not the special holidays or the winter issue that will make me change my mind). I do not think responsible, the causes are multiple, in my opinion, but it's a shame.
But let's not forget that the group also publishes Interweave Knitscene , another knitting magazine targeted "younger" and piecework, which addresses the historical aspect of all needlework in theory but makes increasingly added to the knitters (4 of 6 blankets in 2008), the next being the piecework classic knit special earlier this year not to be missed. When at last
Vogue Knitting , it seems a little pale in comparison next Knit1 (reviewed the same group but targeting an audience "younger"), which has recruited the cream of tricoblogueurs.
Across the Atlantic, from the British, full of novelties. Debbie Bliss launches new magazine name and then a review is under preparation: The Knitter . As for Yarn Forward, he not only became monthly and has hired a new editor, but now has a younger sister sewing: Sew Hip . After several months of pap telematics, Rowan found his site (with free templates, but less than before) and opened a French site Rowan 30 years (with free templates and French).
To finish with the clipboard, two pipes. A pipe found at
Pinku or how virtually browse journals and books published in Japanese by Nihon Vogue: 1. Go list their knitting and crochet books (the list is twenty pages). 2. Click on the cover of the book that interests you. 3. Click the yellow button and wait interface "flaky" appears.
A pipe found at String or Nothing , the defunct Life magazine launches its photographic archives. They spent knitting contain small wonders (there are even French knitters in the job: workers strike in 1937 or Ms. Petain in 1950).
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Brent Everett And Brent Corrigan Friends
That's it, I finished my notes on typography knitted. I had the links, but I had trouble writing the text. Besides, I would add a few links to topics jacquard and occasionally I will modify the text a little. I will also try to improve visualization of the different types of links: work without explanation, model with explanations of the entire alphabet grid, etc..
Meanwhile, I noted (A) the presence of a grid containing all mayuscules (a) all lowercase and (9) all numbers 0 to 9.
0. Introduction
1. Calligraphy filiaire
2. Letters independent
3. Textures and reliefs
4. Twists and knobs
5. Days
6. Optical Illusion
7. Mosaic knitting
8-11. Jacquard
8. Jacquard son learned
9. Jacquard son crossed
10. Jacquard reversible
11. Jacquard machine
12. Knitting with beads
13. Embroidered knit
14. Hook
15. Accessories
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cheaters- Korean Movie
With some delay (several webzines being released well after the announced date), I dedicate this review to journals and newspapers exclusively online, even after doing another paper for magazines, because the News is too rich in the last quarter of 2008.
Twist Collective: In this second edition, still the same nice layout hyper-careful, always a wonderful choice of models (many coats and jackets, cool!), always the same variegated recognized creative and bloggers. Very well done.
I now turn to online journals, in reverse chronological order of publication ( roughly ).
Ulla : a new record in terms of number of models (41!) While there is not the same quality, but there are many very interesting models (including some caps to the logical design and beautiful jacquard).
The Inside Loop : 4th issue I find their most accomplished to date, models have won quality and quantity.
Knit on the Net: again, a number more varied and elaborate than usual.
Knotions : again, I find this second issue better than the previous one (I mostly hung with superb socks Julia), although I find the layout a bit unbalanced and organization of the site a bit confused (do not forget to click every time on "additional peaks" to better see models).
MetaPostModernKnitting : 2nd issue also MPMK. I find them nice initiative, but I admit being somewhat hampered by a small through: in the intro to almost all their models, they cite a claw which they were inspired / they have pumped. For me, if one calls from a "fashion design" is because we are trying to be original, not copy something already done, right? It's funny, moreover, because the two models I like best are the ones that have no referent confessed. Prism has a construction not trivial: I love the back and neck, but the triangles of the front are reminiscent of a bikini top somewhat ptotic, unfortunately (I wonder if we could go back to fix it). And Army Inspired Socks provide ideas for addressing increases in the calf socks.
The Anticraft : a month ago already, the last came out, devoted to Day of the dead Mexican version. Many skulls, then, the funniest being Sweet satisfaction to my taste.
Knitty : The Knitty Winter is coming soon. Amy Singer and announces a new site in the wake mystery! I confess to being eager to discover what it is.
Meanwhile, recall that since my last press release, not only is the Fall Knitty appeared, but the surprises are out too (around Halloween as usual) and the 2009 calendar is available for sale. In my opinion, the level rose again after 2 numbers a little soft, to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the magazine.
Finally, the news ahead: The Knitting
Forecast (Ravelry link) scheduled for early December, the first issue of the British zine (webzine zine or paper?).
[Update: link corrected] Handknit Heroes last but not least , the most intriguing new feature! The eruption of comics - superhero trend - in knitting. The BD of course, but also models. Expected release January 17, 2009. (More)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Master Lock Ticker Letters
fabulous buttons provided with a font to download: it is the way to sew the button draws the letter or number. I love it!
ABC Button (A9)
Stitch markers
Made with beads and tokens of Scrabble, even with a logo printed on shrink plastic (brand Shrinky Dink plastic or crazy) or how to keep always in typography eyes when we knit:
with pearls, with chips
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Frequent Urination Ovulation
I'm not going to hook that I made for knitting. I'll just make a list of possible approaches to crochet letters.
independent letters can be found in the book Japanese Remaining Threads or book 201 Crochet Motifs . (A)
I do not know if the above is considered the freeform or not, so I added some beautiful examples of typography freeform signed Lis Paludan in his book Fri virkning :
Hook net
With this grid of 1912 example. There are a lot of grills available commercially, I believe, and then cross stitch grids are also probably the case. (A9)
Jacquard Crochet ( tapestry crochet English)
With this grid Hook Kim example. Grids jacquard knit are probably also the case. (AA9)
Tunisian Crochet
I have only one example, but we take those with eyes full of typos very very seventies.
knobs to hook
Finally, we can also make letters with knobs bracketed species: like on this baby blanket . Please do not let the baby sleep on it: the remake of Princess and the Pea Guaranteed! (A)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Work For Hardy-weinberg Problems Ap Lab 8
THE JACQUARD embroidered
The largest embroidery "consubstantial" is of course knitting jacquard or embroidered mesh point, as it is with a needle and thread to reconstruct the path a mesh while covering it. We can use it to add small details or to bypass a technical difficulty (not knit two color jacquard and embroidered by adding the third, for example). It can also embroidered the whole pattern. In short, many grids can become jacquard knitted grids embroidered jacquard, depending on the level or the choice of the knitter. The reverse is true, too.
Two small examples among many others, the mops Back to School and coverage alphabet Chameleon Knits.
When it comes to really embroidered knit, a traditional method (I think it is used in knitwear Bavarian Am I wrong?), Is to use the cross stitch. Sts knitting up the grid on which embroiders. Two fine examples
layette sweater with a twisted cartridge where the initial stitch the alphabet sweater from the book Special Knits by Debbie Bliss sweater and embroidered cross-stitch the entire alphabet from the brochure Baby Dearest of Patons. The
camisoles Poveira (Portuguese fishermen sweaters) rarely wear the text (even if it happens ), but traditionally they are embroidered with symbols conveying meaning. To learn more, read another article Portuguese or explanations Luisa forum Nordic Knitting.

can also be embroidered with the knit stitch, as in the sweater above cons inspired the poem "Vowels" Rimbaud ( 100 ideas No. 149, March 1986).
It amuses me to see that many of the fabrics that I found to illustrate this topic wear embroideries inspired by tattoos:
Knucker (mittens embroidered in chain stitch, stem, "Beijing", etc..) ,
Horatio (pull child),
Winged tattoo heat.
Another heart but inspired by a candy store, him Valentine candy pillow.
Even if it looks like chain stitch needle, the maxims which cover the beautiful jacket Margaret (page 2 of the pdf, see also the prototype with a cursive calligraphy ) by Mary Neal Meador published in the book Mason Dixon Knitting : Outside the Lines are made with the hook.
Finally, we can "embroidered" letters by sewing knitting applications, like on this cover Gretagrip where some letters are backing knitted or sewn strips of knitting on the back cover.
Limit off-topic, but I do not know where the squeeze, otherwise the pillow tribute to Shei Shonagon of Larissa Brown .
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How Much Does A Mulberry Bayswater Bag Cost

It was used for making reticles entirely covered with pearls, as it marked Monogram A. W . The beads were strung on a thread in reverse order of knitting and were then trapped in the left of each strand of twisted stitches. You could also
use the beads on the ground showed that even on a smooth background of stockinette stitch, like this on aumonière marked names and PAULA FRANCISCO Robira Robira. Or on the alms-cons where they draw the names of pearls battles of the "Peninsular War" (so named on the English side, since the object was owned by a Briton) or War of Independence (image from the book Richard Rutt).
upd: I'll add beaded cuffs monogrammed and dated (seen in Berthi ) and low Bavarian monogrammed pearl (as uncomfortable weird, huh?).
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sports Intimidating Quotes
As I said before, it's a little artificial to the Jacquard machine in a separate category. I did not know anything knit machine, but broadly it seems to me that the Jacquard machine is restarted with a few adjustments the three techniques: jacquard son learned, jacquard son crossed and double-sided jacquard reversible.
This is done only on industrial machines, it seems. The most common example typographical reversible jacquard machine, it's the scarf football fans. I found some pictures scarves sports or advertising on the site Masche Wilde, manufacturer of scarves and blankets on double-sided position (just send them a picture of your choice). On
knitting machines for domestic use, I do not think we can only knit jacquard son to son crossed or jacquard son learned (but I know nothing). It can therefore knitting patterns in the style of those I have listed under question.
can also produce fabrics message as Lisa Anne Auerbach (see also its former site Steal That Sweater and his blog The Little Red Blog of Revolutionary Knitting ). In its knitting, there is almost always the text, which often calligraphy and typography are mixed elsewhere. Almost all fabrics are made by machine, even if it gives a free pattern hand knit mittens, the mittens Body Count (pdf). She has just published a book with several models of sweaters, Sweaters That Talk Back .
Note on its website the banner Agency, nice mix of typos, which was conducted by several "craftivists" the best known. Between them, there Cat Mazza, a member of the movement microRevolt whose generator grids online KnitPro was originally designed to divert the logos of major brands and expose their practices. One can of course be used to tweak fonts characters knitting purposes activist ... or not.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Using Expired Vigamox
jacquard reversible (double knitting in English, even if the term means in this language several concepts quite different from each other *), we may as well knit letters fine letters thick as a priori and thus use both screens for the Jacquard son learned to those for the jacquard son crossed.
When the pattern contains letters, the usual technique jacquard reversible causes a slight defect: the letters on the back will be reversed (mirrored). There are ways to remedy this by using two different grids, one for the mesh that will end up on the spot and another for those who find themselves on the back, but it greatly complicates the task.
There are relatively few models for content written specifically for letterpress technique, but I can at least cite a beautiful scarf designed by Bridget Zeuner: the letter scarf (which is back on Etsy). I still leaves a link to his blog and another to plug Ravelry in case. This scarf is knitted in the usual way, so that the letters are reversed on the back.
I did not find much else, apart from this felted bag "HSKS5" and of course the ubiquitous syllable "om" . So even if in fact it is a traditional Norwegian reason I mention this scarf with flowers Vigdis (Ravelry) that remind me of the cul-de-lamp and other typographical ornaments.

By cons, in the traditional knitwear, it was less rare. Montse Stanley has collected several examples dating from the English eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: the upper belt of this portfolio has a name and date on the front and a floral motif on the back, middle, ramp shows "la primera of Labor mi mano es para mi hermano "on the front door and a geometric design on the back, bottom, one sees only one side of the Garter with "viva mi Dueño" (image from the book Knitter's Handbook ).
* The day I have the courage, I promise to post my links on the issue and an explanation of different techniques.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dune Buggy Plans For Free Sandrails Australia
The jacquard son Crusaders ( intarsia English), more appropriate for thicker letters, is often used for initials, logos, slogans ... Sometimes for whole alphabet books.
The original polo not missing, I will mention one, who has had some success in recent years: the Weasley sweater , inspired by Harry Potter books.
Another classic use of initials, layettes and other baby blankets. Also for children, traditional cubes covered letters of the alphabet can be knitted. Two examples among many:
- alphabet cubes Debbie Bliss (A?)
- dados de letras of Malglam,
- cube or coverage choices Diane Zangl (available free here ).
And a pretty sweater from Zoe Mellor, who draws on these cubes, luxury coat letter, book The Big Book of Kids' Knits . (A?)
Where things get complicated (since there will be more color, more difficult it will be knitting) is when the letter is accompanied by a picture to be a primer. Again, three examples among others:
- baby blanket from Wesleleypiffy,
- alphabet blanket in RYC Classic Mother and Baby (A)
- vests the alphabet No. 100 ideas 119 (September 1983) (warning, if you want to buy it from a bookseller, the grid for the alphabet is complete, but he missed 8 of 26 animals, need to be ordered separately). (A)
Still in the Registry childlike, very beautiful typeface designed by Little Cotton Rabbits . (A)
Significantly more adult scarf "Crime of Fashion" Marnie McLean, published originally in the late Magknits . (A9)
Published in the journal Craft, a scarf very similar concept, Police Tape , (grid here) .
Review Knit1 offers grids for words "cool" and "wool" (pdf).
I like the nod to the comics with bubble "Damn!" (Ravelry) on a sweater for dog Lady Wyvern, who ad ' other dog sweaters to text (Ravelry).
Finally some examples of use of jacquard son crossed into logos:
- kelp (how she knitted and touched the banner of his blog),
- Today (BBC program that provides a template and a grid knitting his listeners).
For political slogans, I'll let you do a search on Ravelry with the names of candidates in the last election Americans. You will find several examples, some quite elaborate, as sweater Laura Birek , adapted from a poster the creator is also the author of the propaganda campaign / marketing / street art (delete as appropriate) "Obey Giant" which inspired scarf Andre .
Less politics, more knitting, the motto "Cool boys knit" on the pull Hardcore .
And as it is not only alphabets in writing, a few characters: Lickety Split , knitting socks with the ideogram of the Chinese zodiac.
I'll finish on a self-referential wink: the jacquard bobbins that spell the word "bobbins."
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Project Report To Start A Business
The jacquard son learned ( stranded knitting English) is probably the technique most rich in examples. It is also one that provides the earliest occurrences.

If you want to reproduce some of the calligraphy, I refer you to Mamluke socks socks reconstructed by Nancy Bush in his book Folk Socks , or as more archaeologically correct in fact Anahita on its site, with its Allah socks. Also at Anahita, the socks with the inscription "barakah" and tube with the name of Allah . The above-knit cons inspired him, Chris Laning who made a bag (Ravelry link).
is also Arabic found on knitting the oldest found in Europe: the blessing "Barakat" on the cushion of the Infante Fernando de la Cerda. I refer you to ticket that I have dedicated three years ago already.
If you want to reproduce this cushion, Richard Rutt in providing grids in A History of Hand Knitting . See also simplified version of Susanna von Schweissguth. We find the grid "Barakat" provided by Rutt in a lot of knits, including the blessing socks Miriam Felton.

Indeed, in traditional knitting, it is quite usual to mark either the name of the person who knitted the work or the person to whom it is intended (see this pincushion of the V & A Museum ). You can add the wishes of long life for the person wearing the item (See below garters English from the book of Mil anys disseny in punt ).

Often in traditional knitting, knit the text is discreet and is located at the bottom of a sweater or a glove. We can do even more discreet hiding in the hem as squarely on the sweater Elizabeth Zimmermann's EPS (here version Teklall ).
However, it can be very nice to display letters on the chest, they make sense or not, from elsewhere:
- a Latin motto on this sweater from The Panopticon,
- the alphabet and the name under the collar a round yoke sweater ,
- or around a sleeveless vest (the two Tracy3xl)
- even inspired an alphabet blocks on a childish Iowaknitguy sweater (Ravelry link ).
can also cover his socks on letters like these lovely socks child socks for tots crunch .
It is much rarer to find texts long enough on knitwear. The poetry mittens constitute an example rather mysterious, because we do not know much about these mittens covered with a poem whose multiple copies from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth were discovered in New England. Piecework magazine has devoted an article with grids in two issues: November-December 1995 and more recently January-February 2008. It is interesting to see customized versions (Ravelry link) that knitters have done with poems of their choice.
Even stranger, the letter, uh knitted in 1868 by an insane the President of the United States. She has inspired a contemporary textile artist John Krynicki ( see a video here), which has a range of texts knitted jacquard garter.
More recently, I have already spoken (and rightly so, since I knitted) socks Pearls of wisdom , also known as the "Pablo Neruda socks", created by Jean Newsted and published in the book Socks Socks Socks . There is a grid with the entire alphabet to personalize the socks by adding his name. (A)
Another Hispanic poet Antonio Machado, whose poem Caminante no hay camino inspired a scarf Knititch: to see on his blog (she shows here, she speaks there) or on Ravelry .
More sinister, the invocation of the three witches in Macbeth reproduced on long gloves by Nanette Blanchard Bewitching gloves.
More international and peaceful, even if it is not a long text, but the word "peace" in several languages:
- the Peace blanket of Knitting-and,
- the Peace jacket Bonnie Franz published in the webzine For the Love of Yarn .
This gives me a good transition to the next section where I review the scripts that you can find knitting.
The choice widens enormously when one considers a detail: the mesh jacquard son learned tend to be square instead of rectangular height as plain jersey (well, in theory! In practice, c is far from always true and it depends on the voltage of each). This allows you to use grids for cross stitch, where the alphabets and other samplers do not miss. Sometimes you have to adapt a little, because the form of a point and an embroidered knitted mesh can cause different deformations of the initial letter.
But there are also grids that were designed for knitting from the start. For Latin characters, there is a certain variety of fonts. While the jacquard son learned is indicated for letters rather thin, but there are all kinds, with or without serifs, very simple or convoluted. Some grids
very simple to start:
cap Kaleigh Kap (pdf) (A)
grid Knitting-and (A)
grid All Fiber Arts (A)
first grid Knit1 (A)
second grid Knit1 (a9)
Knit1 third grid (a)
If you love the most decorated letters, we can learn from Purl Union. I'd love her to provide grids for all the letters of her knitted version of the police Mantinia , superb! But for now, the only symbol that can knit, the ampersand is present in its very pretty cap Ampersand Hat (pdf).
However, she generously shares with us the alphabet she created for her Peruvian hat Chullo P (P Chullo click in the left margin of the blog to download pdf 3 parts). Knitting jacquard or jacquard son learned to cross-son. (A)
Just as the Kufic Arabic captures the Gothic letters make it very well in terms of Latin characters. We see the masterpiece companion hosier Silesian reproduced above. Too bad there are few recent examples, although I do not forget the leggings style "medieval punk" from sandwich legwarmers. I do not know what scale it used, but I found one that might do the case: Needlepointers' Old Français alphabet. (Aa)
The generator Celtic alphabet, originally planned for the cross stitch is popular among knitters. (AA9)
And originally planned for crochet, cursive letters. (Aa)

For Hebrew alphabet, I found several here. (Click on "basic", "stick" or "sm block").
For Greek alphabet, I found it .
And I'll end on one of my favorite discoveries in my research of knitted typography: a nineteenth cap found in Isfahan, which bears an inscription in Armenian (image from the book by Richard Rutt).
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Milau Artiste By Scott Kay
Good finish beating around the bush! Let us deal with the main way to approach writing in the fabric: jacquard. To not crumble under the avalanche of examples, I sub-divide as follows: jacquard son learned, jacquard son crossed reversible jacquard, jacquard machine. Jacquard embroidered will be briefly mentioned in the chapter on knitting embroidery. This is somewhat artificial distingos because in many cases, when you knit with many colors, mixing techniques to son and from son to the cross, or this one or that one embroidered with jacquard . And then the jacquard machine, whether single-sided or double-sided is a variation on previous jacquards. But this fragmentation will read the following notes to digest.

These two sweaters a "newspaper" from the number 84 of 100 ideas (October 1980) are a good example (mostly white).
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
South Park Quality Stream
knitting technique that uses multiple colors slipped stitches, the knitting mosaic is not shown on the front of typography.
Jay Petersen, yet it has nevertheless drawn a beautiful alphabet (a) to reproduce using this technique (and then another (a) that could be used as well).
upd: Jay Petersen informs me that he also created a new alphabet mayuscules, available as a downloadable font FontStruct on the site, which lets you print a grid from knitting ' a simple word processor. (A)
upd: A alefbet Hebrew is being prepared by Tikkunknitter to follow.
Manga Pregnant Gallery
The optical illusion knitting (knitting shadow or illusion knitting ) combines the use of color and relief.
If you want to write a half-hidden message mid-visible, know that Meowy drew an entire alphabet available in pdf format, but I've never seen what he gives once knitted. (A9)
Examples of text knitted with the process of the optical illusion is no shortage, however (and I would not include in my list scarves bearing the logos of universities U.S. investors). All grilles and explanations below are free, except for "om": Toni
Portal logo
runes "Fehu" and "Uruz"
syllable "om"
Chinese characters for "serenity" (link Ravelry)
Other examples without grid:
Alondra (link Ravelry)
breathe (link Ravelry)
fuck it's cold (Ravelry link)
I Sleep In The Nude (Ravelry link)
do not panic (Ravelry link)
Olympiakos in Greek characters (Ravelry link)
kanji (Ravelry link)
Hawaiian Translation Sentence
Alternatively typotricotique: write "hollow", that is to say, form letters by disposing of days in the knitting. Technically, this poses certain problems and that's probably why the typography girders are rare, but to my knowledge there are at least two complete alphabets:
- The Debbie Bliss, originally planned for a baby blanket, " The Alphabet blanket, "published in" The Baby Knits Book ". You can see a photo here . (A)
upd: Please note that this alphabet was adapted to the Greek alphabet by Rachael_Knits (TLR on Ravelry) and the Hebrew alefbet by Tikkunknitter . The great job they may share if you ask them nicely.
Tikkunknitter also prepares an Arabic alphabet. Meanwhile the only open knit with a text ("Barakat") in Arabic that I found is the pattern on the sleeve of the coat knitted Wry Punster .
- The Bridget Rorem, created for a bridal veil and stunning number published in the May-June 1998 of piecework magazine (still available, enjoy it while Interweave has increased the price of back issues). (A)

I might publish a photo, because you can not find on the internet. And nobody else has apparently started in the task Herculean to another re-knitting.
However, in 2006, Susoolu used this alphabet to write a motto on a shawl ( another photo) and 2007 Franklin Habit has made even a christening shawl for his niece.
upd: If, in fact, someone has knitted a veil, but in a smaller version for a baby blanket: the spider queen shawl (Ravelry).
More recently I discovered this fine example of cursive calligraphy in openwork Jay Petersen (yarnover on Ravelry): Love . (I recommend his blog Fuzzy Logic to all persons interested in mathematical approaches knitting.)

Watch All Episodes Of Bangbros
While there, I confess to have found nothing, or almost. Yet, theoretically, when we see the intertwining complex and multidirectional drawn in by Alice Starmore twists in his book "Celtic Collection, Elsebeth Lavold Viking Knits in its , The Girl from Auntie in its Celtic-inspired knitwear or Eunny Jang in his tangled yoke cardigan , among others, we say that this should be a way to design an entire alphabet, preferably in cursive.
I did not laminated, but the book by Melissa Leapman recently published "Continuous Cables: An Exploration of Knitted Cabled Knots, Rings, Swirls, and curlicue" , which follows "Cables Untangled: An Exploration of Cable Knitting ", may contain useful tips for those who wish to undertake this task, since it is devoted to that tournicotent twists in all directions without interruption.
Meanwhile, to my knowledge, the only "alphabet" available in hanks, what are the runes Elsebeth Lavold recreated by in his book "Viking Patterns for Knitting" .
upd: The last Knotions allows me to add another example to my chapters typographical twists: the om eye pillow, is the syllable "om", written in one of alphasyllabaires used in India (I'm savvy enough to recognize which one it is), all in hanks. It really makes you want to explore the concept.
PS: I can not believe that nobody will be fun to write Braille with knobs (which I rank with the twists that are often associated).
Romantic Phrases In Hebrew Women To Women
I continue to review knitting techniques that can be used to represent letters and other typographical symbols. I leave voluntarily for the good mouth the various types of jacquard. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 will therefore be devoted to letters knit without using color.
The simplest method is to use the difference in texture between the mesh location and purl. In general, use letters to point to Jersey on a background of stockinette stitch (or otherwise), or the jersey on a background of moss stitch (or vice versa), or finally the jersey on the garter (or vice versa).
The structure of the knitted fabric is that the jersey appears to place horizontally on the jersey, but the latter has the upper hand on this first vertically. This feature explains the vertical lines and horizontal component of certain letters are underlined some hemming, while the diagonals and curves go much better (This is probably why it is best to choose a substantive point of rice or garter, but that some details may be difficult to separate from the background.).

This method of terrain texture is used to write initials on ganseys English, Danish nattrøjer , knitting damask "in Dutch" and other traditional fabrics using effects textured mesh caused by alternating right / purl. In general, in these cases, it is fairly thin letters, the features of a cell of thickness. In
of piecework January-February 2008, was an example of alphabet to decorate this type of initials and dates the reproduction of traditional Danish gloves. (A)
upd: I just (re) discover a copy impressive damask knitting letterpress in the excellent section on knitting on the site of the Victoria and Albert Museum: a panel covered with a prayer (27 lines of text that you see a detail here ) knitted by a blind man in 1851.
Another early example: the signature on a bedspread Victorian Hannah Smith 1837.
More recently, the method is often used on blankets layettes containing either the entire alphabet, or the initials of the baby. In the latter case, the letters are fairly thick. A good example is the custom cover [Ravelry link] in the book by Erika Knight "Little Baby knitwear (at Solar), translation of" Simple Knits for Cherished Babies ". But
also knitted more ironic as the mop "I do not do dishes" .
Finally, in bulk, some scripts available on the internet (all paid for, and sometimes very expensive when the letters are sold separately):
Army of Knitters (A)
Spyra Designs (A)
Knit A Little Store (better pictures here - Ravelry link) (A)
Pattern Alphabet Beanie With matching scarf (A)
Alphabet pigs (A)
train blanket ABC (A)
ASL alphabet (better pictures here - Ravelry link) (A) alphabet in sign language)
upd: I found one free (same missing 2 digits and a few photos):
Knitting Nonsense (A9) and then another
: Knitting -about (A)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Genital Warts Stomach
There are many ways to approach the alphabet knitted. One way is to make each letter an independent unit, or two-dimensional or three-dimensional. This approach is relatively rare and often limited to items for children or a desire to make something visible, even spectacular (for a logo, banner, a contemporary art installation ...).
Knit 2-D
Knit on the Net (logo) Prick your Finger
(logo or rather sign)
Lacey Jane Roberts : this "craftivist" has used the process several times (click especially on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th works)
Flickr and happy 2008 by STEF MCK
Knit 3-D (tubes stuffed)
Kimberly Chapman's 3D alphabet [boss for sale] ( A)
cut from felted knit 2D
dzyner's knit pillow
Hook 2-D
The same principle can be applied to the hook. There would be other examples, I guess, but I will mention that, from the Japanese book "Remaining Threads" .
Calories In Pop Secret Popcorn Whole Bag
Slightly off-topic, because it's not about typography, calligraphy here. And it's not strictly knitting, even if it remains in the wool and son theme. Moreover, the knitters are not the only ones using this string (ha ha, pun of good quality), since we also found on blogs embroidery, sewing, etc.. It is written with thread. A few examples among many:
Knit1 blog1 (logo): clever parallelism wool / cable
Lea Redmond writes with a coil of wire
CD cover Quebec group named
I myself have used a similar trick for the logo of my site Ibérica de punto, but this thread is not calligraphic but mapping:
calligraphy filiaire This process reminds me of the 1970s when they were often seen in books and magazine titles in cursive calligraphy using a rope or string, but this was not drawing pictures. I have not managed to find specimens, but it was quite common. If you have a good example of the process under the elbow, please not to send it to me. I will be happy to add it to my doc '.
토렌트 Jav
Typography is a subject that fascinates me always and it was inevitable that one day I turn on the confluence of the meshes and characters. I stacked and categorized a list of examples in my head. Both post here to benefit others, although I guess it does fascinate a minority.
So before we begin, I share with you all Knitting Letters: A to Z , one of my favorite blogs right now, you can admire the beautiful knits while the typography leaves you cold (Pun unintended but occasional), especially since they are highlighted each time by an extensive bibliography and thorough documentation. A real gem, this Union Purl. The project resumed in the blog is to knit an alphabet, each letter being the initial technique used to reproduce or police or illustrated style knits mentioned.
If you're in the minority on that passion, I also pointed Wooly Type the Ravelry group she founded to fondues foundries. I put maybe my links there too.
So far, my forays personal in the field are quite limited. While I knitted a pair of socks on which included a poem by Pablo Neruda, but I followed a model where the book Socks Socks Socks.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How Did Kimberly Bergalis Contract Aids?
Thimerosal exposure in infants and neurodevelopmental disorders: An assessment of computerized medical records in the Vaccine Safety Datalink.
The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, United States.
The study evaluated possible associations between neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs) and exposure to mercury (Hg) from Thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs) by examining the automated Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). A total of 278,624 subjects were identified in birth cohorts from 1990-1996 that had received their first oral polio vaccination by 3 months of age in the VSD. The birth cohort prevalence rate of medically diagnosed International Classification of Disease, 9th revision (ICD-9) specific NDs and control outcomes were calculated. Exposures to Hg from TCVs were calculated by birth cohort for specific exposure windows from birth-7 months and birth-13 months of age. Poisson regression analysis was used to model the association between the prevalence of outcomes and Hg doses from TCVs. Consistent significantly increased rate ratios were observed for autism, autism spectrum disorders, tics, attention deficit disorder, and emotional disturbances with Hg exposure from TCVs. By contrast, none of the control outcomes had significantly increased rate ratios with Hg exposure from TCVs. Routine childhood vaccination should be continued to help reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with infectious diseases, but efforts should be undertaken to remove Hg from vaccines. Additional studies should be conducted to further evaluate the relationship between Hg exposure and NDs.
PMID: 18482737 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Perth Gay Pickup Spots
The immune response in autism: a new frontier for autism research
Paul Ashwood *, 1 , Sharifia Wills andJudy Van de Water
Full article at:
extract, translated from English
Autism spectrum disorders (BP) are among the pervasive developmental disorders that develop during childhood. They are characterized by disturbances in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal behaviors and the presence of stereotyped and repetitive. Currently, the etiology of TA is largely unknown, but it is thought that genetic factors, environmental, immune and neurological play a role in the development of TA. Recently, more and more researches have focused on the connection between the immune and nervous system, including its role possible in the development of TA. These neuroimmune interactions begin early during embryogenesis and persist throughout the life of the individual, a normal neurological development is dependent upon an appropriate immune response. Immune aberrations consistent with a dysregulation of the immune response, which were previously reported in autistic children included abnormal levels of T cell type 1 T H 1) / T H 2 cytokine profiles, the lower levels of lymphocyte, T cell mitogen response, and an abnormal level of serum immunoglobulin. Furthermore, the autistic was associated with autoimmunity and an association with genes such as leukocyte antigens (HLA)-DRB1 and complement C4 alleles described. It is possible that such aberrant immune activity during vulnerable and critical periods of neurodevelopment could participate in the generation of neurological dysfunction characteristic of TA. This paper will review the status of research linking the immune response and autism.
TAs are a very heterogeneous group of disorders with multiple phenotypes and subgroups that share common behavioral abnormalities. This inherent complexity has made it extremely difficult to understand the etiology of LD. Among the literature describing studies on the immunology of TA, there are many differences and unconfirmed reports. Many studies report apparently conflicting results, and to date, no consensus with respect to disorders of the immune system could not be found. However there are reports of increasing number of immune dysfunction in autism, there is a growing awareness that immune dysfunction may to play a role at least one (of the) subgroup (s) of autistic patients, if not all. In addition, various hypotheses have tried to link the activity of immune dysfunction and autism, such as abnormalities of the immune system of the mother in early pregnancy, an increased incidence of autoimmunity in families, childhood immunizations, and the generation of animal models based on immune parameters. A clear definition of the sub-groups of patients with LD using modern diagnostic tools may help to better define the results of these studies. The neurological and immune system are inextricably related to early embryo development. Abnormalities of the immune system before or during birth are capable of altering levels of cytokines, chemokines, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, as well as hormone levels. Each of these substances influence the course of dévellopement nervous system and / or immune directly or through secondary actions. A development of the disturbances can be the beginning of a continuous cycle of damage and disruption of both systems. There are many pathways that can lead to the diagnosis of autism. For some it may begin with a genetic susceptibility, and for others infection or abnormalities of the immune system may play a key role. Further studies on the interactions of the nervous system, immune and endocrine systems may help unravel the mystery of autism. [...]
Original in English:
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are part of a broad spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders known as pervasive developmental disorders, which occur in childhood. They are characterized by impairments in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and the presence of restricted and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. At the present time, the etiology of ASD is largely unknown, but genetic, environmental, immunological, and neurological factors are thought to play a role in the development of ASD. Recently, increasing research has focused on the connections between the immune system and the nervous system, including its possible role in the development of ASD. These neuroimmune interactions begin early during embryogenesis and persist throughout an individual’s lifetime, with successful neurodevelopment contingent upon a normal balanced immune response. Immune aberrations consistent with a dysregulated immune response, which so far, have been reported in autistic children, include abnormal or skewed T helper cell type 1 (T H 1)/T H 2 cytokine profiles, decreased lymphocyte numbers, decreased T cell mitogen response, and the imbalance of serum immunoglobulin levels. In addition, autism has been linked with autoimmunity and an association with immune-based genes including human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1 and complement C4 alleles described. There is potential that such aberrant immune activity during vulnerable and critical periods of neurodevelopment could participate in the generation of neurological dysfunction characteristic of ASD. This review will examine the status of the research linking the immune response with ASD.
Key Words: autism spectrum disorder (ASD) • neurodevelopment • neurokine • immunity • inflammation • cytokines
The ASD are an extremely heterogenous group of disorders with multiple phenotypes and subgroups that share behavioral commanalities. This inherent complexity has made deciphering the etiology of the broad spectrum of ASD extremely difficult. Within the literature describing immune-based studies in ASD, there are a number of discrepancies and unreplicated reports. Numerous studies report apparently conflicting results, and thus far, no consensus about the described immune findings has been reached. However, with increasing reports of immune dysfunction in autism, there is a growing awareness and concern that immune dysfunction may play a role in, if not all, at least a subgroup(s) of patients with autism. Moreover, various hypotheses have attempted to link dysfunctional immune activity and autism, such as maternal immune abnormalities during early pregnancy, increased incidence of familial autoimmunity, childhood vaccinations, and the generation of autism animal models based on immune parameters. A clear-cut definition of the groups or subgroups of ASD patients using modern diagnostic tools may help to better define these study results. The neurological and immune systems are inextricably intertwined beginning in the embryonic stage of life. Pre- or perinatal immune dysregularities are capable of altering levels of cytokines, chemokines, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, as well as hormones. Each of these substances may influence the course of development in the nervous and/or immune systems primarily or through secondary action. A development perturbation may be the beginning of a continual cycle of damage or disruption to both systems. There are numerous pathways that may lead to the diagnosis of ASD. In some, it may begin with genetic susceptibility, and in others, infection or immune abnormalities may play a key role. Further study of the reciprocal actions of the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems may help to unravel the mystery of ASD. Moreover, while the extent to which many of the observations discussed herein are involved in the pathogenesis of autism is unknown, it cannot be discounted that immune dysfunction is an epiphenomenon or a consequence of the disease. Comprehensive studies of autism and age-matched control individuals and their families are necessary for more conclusive results.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Masterbate With Sneakers
Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians (Broché)
de Bryan Jepson (Auteur), Jane Johnson (préface)
Descriptions du produit
Bryan Jepson is a doctor .. father of an autistic child. When her child was diagnosed with autism, he initially reacts as a doctor "classical" thinking there was no coming. Until the day his wife wanted to try the diet free from gluten and casein. While believing that the thing was devoid of interest, he let him into thinking that this would ease the mother who would feel like something useful for his son, and that as long as it kept a balanced diet, it could not hurt her son.
What has not been his surprise when he saw his son actually progress. He then better informed, was to see the DAN doctors, he was able to judge the seriousness of the methods, and it gradually formed itself to this one in order to treat his son. He then changed his medical practice and opened an office to deal with other children and then to join an existing practice using the methods of DAN. He has already treated hundreds of children when he wrote this book.
There's a few decades, autism was a rare disease now, most Americans know a family with an autistic child. There is an epidemic of autism, which affects half a million American children, or one in 150.
This makes the disorder most current developments. Autism increased from 10 to 17% per year, which means that the disease could reach millions of people within the next decade. Change the course of autism can potentially revolutionize the way the disease is seen by showing that it can be treated as such, rather than see it as a disability or a genetic defect against which nothing can.
The author explains in this book is very detailed and scientific causes of autism and treatment options, Referring to the numerous scientific studies conducted to date.
Sayings About Harleys
of Dr. Eric Ancelet (Author)
Initially, the author discusses the Pasteur's work by showing the flaws and mistakes of his research. Then he studies the real effects of various vaccines, the dangers, the phasing of our natural defense systems. Finally, it addresses issues ethical, political, economic, social and biological excessive vaccination. - 16 x 24
Paperback - 270 pages + CD audio interviews of 60 minutes
Author Biography
DVM, Psychotherapist, author and lecturer, Eric ANCELET is primarily an independent investigator looking for "holy comfortable ". "Health primate, a fundamental concept proposed by Dr Michel Odent is now central to his concerns as a therapist: the genesis and maintenance of health go through a thorough reflection on childhood, including avoidance multiple assaults during this critical period from conception to around seven years.