Typography is a subject that fascinates me always and it was inevitable that one day I turn on the confluence of the meshes and characters. I stacked and categorized a list of examples in my head. Both post here to benefit others, although I guess it does fascinate a minority.
So before we begin, I share with you all Knitting Letters: A to Z , one of my favorite blogs right now, you can admire the beautiful knits while the typography leaves you cold (Pun unintended but occasional), especially since they are highlighted each time by an extensive bibliography and thorough documentation. A real gem, this Union Purl. The project resumed in the blog is to knit an alphabet, each letter being the initial technique used to reproduce or police or illustrated style knits mentioned.
If you're in the minority on that passion, I also pointed Wooly Type the Ravelry group she founded to fondues foundries. I put maybe my links there too.
So far, my forays personal in the field are quite limited. While I knitted a pair of socks on which included a poem by Pablo Neruda, but I followed a model where the book Socks Socks Socks.

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