Typotricot 2: Letters independent
There are many ways to approach the alphabet knitted. One way is to make each letter an independent unit, or two-dimensional or three-dimensional. This approach is relatively rare and often limited to items for children or a desire to make something visible, even spectacular (for a logo, banner, a contemporary art installation ...).
Knit 2-D
Knit on the Net (logo) Prick your Finger
(logo or rather sign)
Lacey Jane Roberts : this "craftivist" has used the process several times (click especially on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th works)
Flickr and happy 2008 by STEF MCK
Knit 3-D (tubes stuffed)
Kimberly Chapman's 3D alphabet [boss for sale] ( A)
cut from felted knit 2D
dzyner's knit pillow
Hook 2-D
The same principle can be applied to the hook. There would be other examples, I guess, but I will mention that, from the Japanese book "Remaining Threads" .
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