Typotricot 6: optical illusion
The optical illusion knitting (knitting shadow or illusion knitting ) combines the use of color and relief.
If you want to write a half-hidden message mid-visible, know that Meowy drew an entire alphabet available in pdf format, but I've never seen what he gives once knitted. (A9)
Examples of text knitted with the process of the optical illusion is no shortage, however (and I would not include in my list scarves bearing the logos of universities U.S. investors). All grilles and explanations below are free, except for "om": Toni
Portal logo
runes "Fehu" and "Uruz"
syllable "om"
Chinese characters for "serenity" (link Ravelry)
Other examples without grid:
Alondra (link Ravelry)
breathe (link Ravelry)
fuck it's cold (Ravelry link)
I Sleep In The Nude (Ravelry link)
do not panic (Ravelry link)
Olympiakos in Greek characters (Ravelry link)
kanji (Ravelry link)
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