Good finish beating around the bush! Let us deal with the main way to approach writing in the fabric: jacquard. To not crumble under the avalanche of examples, I sub-divide as follows: jacquard son learned, jacquard son crossed reversible jacquard, jacquard machine. Jacquard embroidered will be briefly mentioned in the chapter on knitting embroidery. This is somewhat artificial distingos because in many cases, when you knit with many colors, mixing techniques to son and from son to the cross, or this one or that one embroidered with jacquard . And then the jacquard machine, whether single-sided or double-sided is a variation on previous jacquards. But this fragmentation will read the following notes to digest.

These two sweaters a "newspaper" from the number 84 of 100 ideas (October 1980) are a good example (mostly white).
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