Wednesday, September 17, 2008

South Park Quality Stream

Typotricot 7: mosaic knitting

knitting technique that uses multiple colors slipped stitches, the knitting mosaic is not shown on the front of typography.

Jay Petersen, yet it has nevertheless drawn a beautiful alphabet (a) to reproduce using this technique (and then another (a) that could be used as well). Alas, I know there is still no copy knitted. If we see the beginning of a scarf here: the entire text will pangramme English "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!", Much more compact than the usual "the lazy fox blah."

upd: Jay Petersen informs me that he also created a new alphabet mayuscules, available as a downloadable font FontStruct on the site, which lets you print a grid from knitting ' a simple word processor. (A)

upd: A alefbet Hebrew is being prepared by Tikkunknitter to follow.


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